2017 SGS CONVENTIOn and show
Giving Stretch Glass the Green Light
The 43rd Annual Convention of The Stretch Glass Society got off to a great start on July 26, 2017. Most of the day was devoted to setting up member displays and the Featured Display of green stretch glass. You cannot imagine how many different shades of green there are in which stretch glass exists. The display tables by members include a “Charlie Brown” Christmas featuring Ruby and Russet stretch glass and “Springtime Stretch” showcasing US Glass Crystal, Crystal with green edge and Cumula stretch glass. Another member display features Crystal and Persian Pearl stretch glass by a variety of companies while other members featured US Glass Reticulated Edge pieces, Imperial Jewels and collections of Special Stretch Glass. Enjoy these photos of our members’ tables (click on a photo to enlarge to full size).
Video Overview
The 2017 Stretch Glass Society Display features stretch glass from each of the nine companies which produced green stretch glass. In the video at left you will see a few examples of the green glass from each company. Note the difference in color and the variety of forms and sizes.
These 2017 Convention videos are provided by Galen and Kathi Johnson:
2017 SGS Convention Display: The Color Green
Cal Hackeman Interviews Russell and Kitty Umbraco, Part 1
Cal Hackeman Interviews Russell and Kitty Umbraco, Part 2
Russell and Kitty Umbraco: Some Folks Have All the Fun
History of Stretch Glass Souvenirs
Kitty and Russell Umbraco Talk
The Stretch Glass Society banquet on Thursday evening featured Lianna Cantrell on her violin as everyone arrived for a tasty dinner and an informational talk by Kitty and Russell Umbraco. The Umbracos talked about and showed us an extensive selection of rare and unusual stretch glass acquired during their many years of collecting. Here are photos of Kitty and Russell and the stretch glass they discussed. (Click on individual photos to view complete images at full size.)
Friday, July 28
One of the benefits of attending the annual convention is many opportunities to learn about stretch glass. Here convention participants listen to the experts talk about special pieces of green stretch glass from the 500+ pieces brought by members to create the combined display.
Our final seminar at the 2017 stretch glass convention discussed the experimental stretch glass made by Fenton in the 1970s. These pieces are rarely found as they were made in very limited quantities.
The following videos show some of the glass offered at the convention auction on Friday.
Even though the Stretch Glass Society 2017 Convention ended on Friday, there were still glass auctions going on in the Marietta area over the weekend. The following photos are from Randy Clark's auction, which featured several hundred pieces of Fenton glass including some great stretch glass. Take a look at these choice pieces sold at this auction.
The following gallery contains the photos of green stretch glass used in the original web announcement for the 2017 Convention. Click on individual photos to enlarge.