Imperial Glass Company Iridescent Glass Line Drawings
These line drawings are from a 2019 acquisition of the Imperial Glass Museum, Bellaire, Ohio. These twenty-two pages were found as separate unbound pages and with no further description other than that which you see here. They came to the museum from the estate of a well-known Imperial author, collector and dealer.
One of the drawings from the gallery below: Page 10
Many of the items illustrated appear in the Imperial Glass Company’s 1st and 2nd editions of the Bargain Book catalogs, in the early 1920s. All the items were identified in those catalogs with the style numbers as shown here and were offered in either Peacock finish #22 (collectors call this finish “Clambroth”) or in Iris Ice, #44. Many of the items have been found in fair numbers, some are scarce, and a few have not been seen as a finished product - at least to common knowledge. Most of the illustrated items are more commonly known by the collectors’ names of Wide Panel. Smooth Panel, Chesterfield or Floral & Optic. These groupings were more often cataloged with a series of mould numbers by which they are more commonly known. There are other examples of the Imperial Glass Company utilizing different identifying numbers on apparently identical items in their catalogs - for reasons unknown.
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